Climate Change
Climate change Adaptation and Mitigation
The Wekembe Climate Change program is meant to offer resilience, reduce climate change risks and enhance adaptive capacity for the community to climate change effects and variations.
Wekembe therefore looks to facilitate communities to adopt practices which either reduce emissions of green house gases (GHGs) from the atmosphere in the long-term.
What is Climate change?
It is a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere over a given period of time.
It can also be referred to as the gradual seasonal effects from the normal seasonal pattern over a long period of time eg. prolonged dry spells leading to increased environmental temperatures hence reduce water moisture or excessive floods resulting from erratic rains.
Due to these extreme climate changes, its suggested that the rising levels of carbon dioxide and other green house gases in the atmosphere are mainly due to human activity.
- Green Credit;
- Water harvesting (water tanks, shallow wells, irrigation)
- Renewable energy loans (solar, energy saving stoves, bio gas, briquettes)
- Tree planting – Agro forestry * fruit trees, coffee and woodlots
- Waste management – Bio digester, incinerator, recycling and garbage management
- Loans for smart agricultural practices – organic fertilizers, improved breeds & varieties, seed banks, soil management, pasture management
- Geo Mapping (GPS) to monitor climate change adaptation and mitigation practices over a given period of time facilitating the reduction / removal of Green House Gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere.
- Formation of Climate Smart Villages ; Adoption of conservation agriculture / climate smart agriculture.
- Home Improvement – low cost environmental housing using soil stabilized bricks.
- Establishment of woodlots, bio energy plantations
- Soil and water conservation measures
- Renewable energy including bio gas, solar, fuel saving stoves, charcoal briquettes
- Pasture establishment management and conservation
- Promotion of drought tolerant (climate hardy) crop varieties (validation sites, multiplication sites and seed banks) and animal breeds.
- Waste management and disposal (Village /HH garbage bunkers)
- Training in alternative IGAs (Income Generating Activities); Skills of small household in adapting to climate change effects.
Number of small groups | Total number of Members in groups | Total number of villages invlved |
308 | 3,080 | 60 |
Total number of trees growing and monitored by wekembe | No of energy saving stoves put in place | Type of Tree Spieces |
30,062 | 422 | Migavu, Eucalyptus, mangoes Pinus Patula, , Pine, Gravellia, Orange, cocoa, Cyprus, Omusizi & omuvule,coffee |
District involved in tree planting
Kalungu, Luwero, Mpigi, Nakasongola, Buikwe, Butambala, Gomba, Kayunga, Wakiso